We deliver ready-to-use solutions to food processors, focused on food quality and in need of reliable suppliers who understand their production process, and support them with application method development, dedicated training and troubleshooting.

The U.S. department of Agriculture (USDA) defines a processed food as one that has undergone any changes to its natural state – that is any raw commodity subjected to washing, cleaning, milling, cutting, chopping, pasteurizing, cooking, canning, freezing, drying, packaging, or any other procedure that alters the food from its natural state. During all these processing steps, the chemical composition of the initial raw material can be dramatically altered.

During the years, PerkinElmer has developed a full range of solutions that cover the needs of a market that is seeing a rapid growth in global demand, from minimal to ultra processed foods.

Our wide range of solutions is able to cover the most diverse needs of such a large and diversified market.

Our efforts aim to provide synergic solution sets for functional testing, on-site food safety, process measurements in brewing, edible oil refining, pet food, confectionary and grain-based food production end-markets.

We deliver ready-to-use solutions to food processors, focused on food quality and in need of reliable suppliers who understand their production process, and support them with application method development, dedicated training and troubleshooting.

To Contract Labs seeking for productivity and focused on food safety, we provide high throughput solutions for a variety of test types such as pathogens, toxins, allergens, micro-nutrients, etc. aligned with current official methods.

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Cocoa powder is a product regularly used within the personal care, food, and beverages sectors. There have been reports indicating several health benefits of cocoa, from lowering blood pressure antioxidants to containing essential fatty acids, fiber, and minerals. In modern factories tons of cocoa are daily turned into chocolate.

Edible Oil

Whether you produce crude oil or refined, bulk oil or specialty oils, PerkinElmer has the right analysis solutions. We know that you need rapid and reliable equipment to test incoming raw materials, make production run optimally, and ensure that finished products meet requirements.

Flavorings Spices

Spices are very expensive ingredients used in the food, beverage, cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries. Production of spices can be a very labor intense process.

Nutritional Dietary Supplements

Nutritional and dietary supplements are widely available as sports nutrition products, meal replacements, vitamins, minerals just to mention some.


In the production of pet food several parameters such as moisture, fiber and ash require close monitoring as they have great impact on production costs, product quality, and nutritional value for proper feeding. Pet food products require tights specifications, but raw materials can vary a lot in composition, with our Near Infrared (NIR) based-solutions, multi components pet food analysis can be done in seconds.

Plant-Based Alternative Protein Food

In the production of pet food several parameters such as moisture, fiber and ash require close monitoring as they have great impact on production costs, product quality, and nutritional value for proper feeding. Pet food products require tights specifications, but raw materials can vary a lot in composition, with our Near Infrared (NIR) based-solutions, multi components pet food analysis can be done in seconds.

Snack Food

Whether your products are baked, extruded or deep-fried, we have the analytical solutions to help you save cost and improve quality. Our solutions provide rapid analysis of key properties of ingredients, mixes, doughs and baked goods. Our testing kits and instruments can guard against taking in sprouted or mycotoxin infected grain, segregate for protein, and monitor tempering.





Methylmercury (MeHg) is an extremely toxic form of mercury, posing significant health risks, especially to developing fetuses.

MeHg is also formed through biological activity in aquatic environments, undergoing bioaccumulation in the food chain, resulting in higher concentrations in larger predatory fish and marine mammals compared to smaller fish and in water.

 To address these concerns, the combination of High-Performance Liquid Chromatography with Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (HPLC-ICP-MS) has emerged as a simple and effective analytical method for quantifying MeHg in fish. The HPLC technique allows for highly efficient separation of inorganic and organic mercury species, while ICP-MS enables quantification with high sensitivity and accuracy. This combination ensures the precise detection of MeHg even at trace and ultra-trace levels. The ability to distinguish between methylmercury and inorganic mercury is crucial for accurately assessing risks and regulatory compliance. 

Key Learnings:

  • The harmful effects of methylmercury and inorganic mercury, the importance of screening this neurotoxin in aquatic and seafood products.
  • Explore the analytical performance that HPLC-ICP-MS can bring in seafood quality control.

Diễn giả: Thạc sĩ Nguyễn Hoàng Lê – Thạc sĩ Hóa học, Trưởng phòng Ứng dụng

Detail information:

▪ Time: Fri, July 26, 2024 9:00-10:00 am

▪ Platform: Online

▪ Register now: 

▪ Presentation language: Vietnamese

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