Utilizing PerkinElmer solutions to develop new, innovative sustainable answers will allow you to ensure the long-term health of our planet as well as providing new avenues for business and economic growth.

There is a fundamental need to safeguard our environment while at the same time providing extensive economic opportunities to support our growing population. This intersection of business and the environment offers opportunities to improve the world we live in and address some of our biggest challenges including climate change, water scarcity, soil degradation, air pollution, recycling water material and energy generation and storage. We support customers developing renewable energy solutions, investigating next generation materials, implementing water recycling, creating circular economies, and incorporating eco-friendly agricultural practices. Utilizing PerkinElmer solutions to develop new, innovative sustainable answers will allow you to ensure the long-term health of our planet as well as providing new avenues for business and economic growth.

We are committed to empowering you to make a difference towards safeguarding the environment. Our instruments and solutions, including atomic spectroscopy, chromatography, mass spectrometry, molecular spectroscopy, elemental analysis, and thermal analysis, are sustainable by design and incorporate features to minimize maintenance, enhance instrument lifetime, reduce waste, and provide energy savings. We actively partner with our customers to equip them with the latest technologies to enable their development of environmentally friendly materials, products, and services and to carry on their business operations in a sustainable manner.

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Batteries & Energy Storage

PerkinElmer’s commit to supporting sustainable innovation includes partnering with scientists, research organization and manufacturers focused on next generation energy solutions. Whether your focus is on energy generation, storage or battery recycling, we have analytical solutions to provide you with the critical information you need to advance your work.

Green Chemistry

Designing chemical products and processes which reduce or eliminate the use or production of hazardous substances is an essential component of ensuring a more sustainable future

Lab of the Future

If you ask a scientist what their desired future state would be, they will say that they want to obtain data quickly and easily so that they have more time analyzing and collaborating with their peers on core priorities.

Flastics & Plastic Recycling

With more than 80 years of delivering analytical solutions, PerkinElmer is a trusted partner for your plastics research and analytical testing needs, including R&D, QA/QC, polymer identification, next generation plastic development, and plastic recycling. Creating a circular economy for this widely utilized material is critical as we look to create a sustainable future.

Renewable Energy

PerkinElmer’s commitment to supporting sustainable innovation includes partnering with scientists and organizations focused on renewable energy. Whether your focus is solar, wind or hydropower, we have analytical workflow solutions to provide you with the critical information you need to successfully conduct your research and manage your analytical testing..

Semiconductors, Electronics & Materials

A key component to a sustainable future is the development of new materials that are stronger, adaptive, resilient, and environmentally friendly to meet both industrial and consumer needs.

Sustainable Agriculture

To achieve this, specialty chemicals and agricultural operation companies need to understand and manage soil health, monitor groundwater quality, and optimize chemical treatment to maintain optimal production while limiting environmental impact.

Tái sử dụng nước & Tái chế nước

Bia là một loại đồ uống phổ biến bao gồm bốn thành phần chính: ngũ cốc (chủ yếu là lúa mạch mạch nha), hoa bia có nhiều loại, men để lên men và nước, chiếm tới 95% thành phẩm. Mỗi thành phần trong số bốn thành phần này chịu trách nhiệm cho một số thuộc tính của bia.