Whether you are involved in the testing of drinking water, wastewater, surface or ground water, PerkinElmer can provide you with easy-to-use, cost-effective solutions to suit any workload

If you are involved in water quality analysis, our established workflows will save you time in method development and sample preparation, while ensuring accurate and reliable results. Whether you are involved in the testing of drinking water, wastewater, surface or ground water, PerkinElmer can provide you with easy-to-use, cost-effective solutions to suit any workload – large numbers of everyday samples, quick turnarounds and emergencies, even testing in the field and on the fly. Solutions for environmental professionals that do whatever it takes to ensure their customers and stakeholders receive reliable and accurate analytical testing for ensuring water quality and human health.

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Drinking Water Analysis

Bia là một loại đồ uống phổ biến bao gồm bốn thành phần chính: ngũ cốc (chủ yếu là lúa mạch mạch nha), hoa bia có nhiều loại, men để lên men và nước, chiếm tới 95% thành phẩm. Mỗi thành phần trong số bốn thành phần này chịu trách nhiệm cho một số thuộc tính của bia.

Elementals in Water Analysis

It’s critical for environmental scientists to have reliable methods and instruments that can achieve results in compliance with established regulatory methods and detection limits.

ISO 17294 Water Analyzer

This comprehensive turnkey solution is built on robust, flexible technology that enables labs to comply with ISO 17294-2, while providing powerful tools to address future water testing needs. In addition to immediate regulatory requirements, new methods, new analytes of interest and more stringent regulatory requirements can be met quickly and cost effectively…

Organics in Water Analysis

Most drinking water comes from surface and groundwater sources, which are susceptible to pollution by VOCs and SVOCs, including targets in herbicides and pesticides. Do đặc tính hóa học của các hợp chất này và tác động bất lợi của chúng đối với sức khỏe con người và môi trường…

Radiochemistry in Water Analysis

Exposure to radioactive particles can be severely detrimental to humans and the ecosystem and regulatory agencies have set concentration limits, standards and specified analytical testing methods to detect radioactivity in environmental matrices.

Phân tích nước biển

Những vùng nước rộng lớn này bao phủ 70% bề mặt trái đất, chứa khoảng 96% tổng lượng nước trên hành tinh và là nguồn cung cấp thực phẩm, sản xuất oxy quan trọng. Các hệ sinh thái cửa sông, ven biển và đại dương bị ảnh hưởng bởi dòng chảy nông nghiệp và công nghiệp…

Surface/Ground Water Analysis

Monitoring surface and ground water provides environmental professionals with the necessary information to ensure both environmental as well as human health. Whether the water in question is used as a drinking water source, receives wastewater, or simply supports the environmental around it, monitoring its quality is essential.

Wastewater Analysis

Laboratories must ensure municipal and industrial wastewater is safe before it is discharged into surface waters. To comply with these rigorous standards, scientists and water professionals must confirm safe levels of inorganic ions, metals, organic and other contaminants in wastewater using a range of analytical solutions including ICP-OES, ICP-MS, GC, GC-MS, LC, LC-MS and others